How To Prepare For The 2-3-2 Program
A cleansing program is by no means the easiest thing in the world, but the reasons to take on the challenge are plenty. Whether you have the desire to lose weight, improve eating habits, kick a sugar addiction, or avoid sluggish bodily function, cleansing is one of the best ways to jump-start your health goals.
Since you already made the decision to cleanse, that is step one of the preparation process. Congratulations…now you can advance to the next steps to help get your mind and body ready for undertaking. Some people are of the mind that there is no need to prepare for a cleanse, since they will be consuming the healthiest foods while cleansing. Think of a cleanse as a vacation from the foods that contribute to sluggish bodily function and weight gain. You prepare for a vacation, right? There is planning, packing, and research to ensure that the vacation goes as smoothly as possible. That is the best approach to create the best cleansing experience.
At Least Two To Three Days Before The Cleanse:
In the two to three days prior to the start of the cleanse, it is wise to begin replacing unhealthy foods or habits that don’t serve your health with ones that are more beneficial. The last thing you want is to binge on all the foods, which you cannot eat during your cleanse, the night before you begin. The first day of the cleanse will be miserable and your body will pay for it. Instead, try to eliminate animal products (fish, poultry, meat, eggs, and dairy products), processed foods, artificial sweeteners, caffeine, alcohol, refined sugars, and fried foods in the days leading up to the start date.
What To Enjoy Two To Three Days Before The Cleanse:
If you are a big coffee drinker, we recommend tapering off about a week before you start your cleanse. In fact, it is more beneficial to begin replacing your coffee with green tea, but you shouldn’t drink six cups of green tea per day. As far as food goes, it can be beneficial to focus on fruit and vegetable smoothies, legumes, salads, cooked squash, sweet potatoes, healthier sweeteners (stevia, raw honey, grade A maple syrup), unsweetened organic nut milk, and to limit your salt intake.
Prepare For Unexpected Challenges:
While it is possible for someone to go through a cleanse without experiencing any detox symptoms, you must always prepare for the unexpected. It is possible to experience headaches, fatigue, cravings, or diarrhea, to name a few symptoms of cleansing. Other challenges you may face can include attending an office birthday where there is no raw food in sight, or going out with friends to a bar; and alcohol and bar food is not raw. Make smart choices to keep yourself from falling off the wagon while cleansing.
Notify Your Peoples:
When you leave the country, run a marathon, or make any other big changes, you notify friends and family, right? Don’t keep your squad out of the loop when you start your cleanse. It’s much easier to make it through the process when you have people cheering you on from the sidelines. Instead of inviting you out for drinks, your friends may decide to throw you a raw food party!
Check Your Calendar:
The last thing you want to do is begin your cleanse during or right before a major event. The reality is that there is never a “right” time to start a cleanse, but you also don’t want to be cleansing when you have a vacation planned, a wedding to attend, or a half marathon to run. This isn’t to say that you should postpone the cleanse; rather, set a date when you have no obligations and go full steam ahead.
The last piece to the puzzle is to trust the process of cleansing. It requires a little effort on your part and some days will be easier than others, but this is no reason to doubt the process or give up on cleansing. Commit to finishing the cleanse to emerge a healthier individual. Use the tips we have provided to prepare your body for an easy transition into the world of cleansing.